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Planning the Kitchen Renovation

After purchasing our home, the first room we decided to renovate was the kitchen. We started by rethinking the layout. The house was originally built in 1880, and there is an old chimney that runs through the middle of the kitchen that we wanted to remove. I also wanted to remove the attached cupboards and post. We wanted to open up the space, everything felt cramped in some areas, too spread out in others, and not as functional for our needs as we would’ve liked.

We met with an architect to assess the situation, and quickly learned that redoing the entire layout would be a huge undertaking, making cosmetic changes seemed like the best route to go. In the midst of planning a wedding, a remodel of that size just wasn’t in our budget. We still wanted to make the home our own, so we decided to make cosmetic changes for now, and put a pause on the large remodel project.

Here are a few more before photos. I had started working a bit on the cabinets at this point:

before kitchen dining area with chimney
before kitchen chimney
before kitchen hallway
before kitchen dining area
